Health of the LGBTQIA+ population in the training of nurses in Brazilian public institutions




Sexuality, Nursing, College education, Curriculum, LGBTQIA people


The LGBTQIA+ population has a demand around sexuality that has not been addressed in the training of nursing professionals. In this way, the objective was to analyze the teaching offered to students of nursing courses at Brazilian public institutions to welcome the LGBTQIA+ population. Documentary study was carried out using data from the Pedagogical Course Projects (PCP) of nursing courses from several Brazilian public institutions, available online, with the aim of verifying the existence of mandatory subjects that address the topic. Data collection took place from August to October 2022, and 63 available PCPs were selected and analyzed. It was found that only 9 (14.28%) courses covered the topic clearly in mandatory subjects. Learning about care for the LGBTQIA+ population provides a better welcome since, in many cases, family rejection still occurs, in addition to the prejudice and social censorship that comes from society. It is important to highlight that among the positive findings, there are still weaknesses, such as subjects that are entirely theoretical and therefore do not adequately prepare professionals for assistance. The conditions for humanization in serving all audiences are still fragmented, and taboos need to be overcome and treated with due importance for a more equitable society.


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How to Cite

Xavier, B. F., Reis, C. H. R., Cecilio, H. P. M. ., Oda, J. Y., & Machado, A. M. (2024). Health of the LGBTQIA+ population in the training of nurses in Brazilian public institutions. Revista Contexto &Amp; Saúde, 24(48), e14555.

