Implementation of the cardioprotective diet manual in primary health care: Study protocol




Nutrition, Heart Disease Risk Factors, Primary Healthcare, Patient Care Team, Implementation Science


The Cardioprotective Feeding Manual for Primary Healthcare Professionals (MAC) aims to translate the dietary recommendations from guidelines of prevention and treatment of cardiovascular risk factors into a single playful and comprehensive strategy. However, it is not known the best method to implement it in Primary Healthcare (PHC). The aim of this article is to present the protocol for the MAC implementation study in PHC in two cities in brazilian’s southeastern region. This is a type II hybrid implementation study with cluster randomized clinical trial design. All PHC services in the cities (n=59) will be randomized (1:1) to the group that will receive a multifaceted strategy for implementation for the MAC, which includes not only the distribution of the material, but training and Audit and Feedback (intervention) or for the group that includes only the distribution of the material, mimicking the current scenario (control). The primary outcome of implementation will be assessed from the Cardioprotective Feeding guidance rate and the primary outcome of effectiveness will be assessed by the consumption of vegetables by users, in six months of follow-up. Secondary outcomes are: understanding of guidance by users and professionals, rate of additional guidance to MAC, perception of incorporation of guidance in clinical practice of professionals, identification of barriers and facilitators for the implementation of MAC and still weight of users. If positive, the expansion of training to other Brazilian cities will be discussed.


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How to Cite

da Silva, J. G. S. T., Pagano, R., da Silva, L. R., El Khouri, F. J., Tokunaga, S. M., Torreglosa, C. R., … Ferreira, Ângela C. B. (2024). Implementation of the cardioprotective diet manual in primary health care: Study protocol. Revista Contexto & Saúde, 24(48), e14630.

