Challenges in managing Primary Health Care during the covid-19 pandemic




Primary Health Care, COVID-19, Health Management, Health Systems


This study sought to identify the main challenges of managing Primary Health Care (PHC) in the Covid-19 pandemic, based on the perception of managers of the Unified Health System of two health macro-regions in Bahia. This is a qualitative and exploratory study through semi-structured interviews with 27 actors selected for convenience and active in state, regional and municipal management, complemented through document analysis, between July 2021 and February 2022. The results showed that the management challenges of primary care in the Covid-19 pandemic ranged from planning to management of the health system, highlighting critical aspects related to the cooperation of municipalities with state management, infrastructure and coverage of local systems, management, organization and provision of services. primary services. The central role of this level in mitigating the disease was evident, but primary care was not explored in its potential, making it essential to recognize the importance of this level and the necessary strengthening of regional governance to strengthen PHC.


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How to Cite

Aleluia, Ítalo R. S., de Sousa, M. L. T., Pereira, M., Penha, A. F. B., Brandão, V. M. dos S., Carvalho, L. de Q., Mendonça, S. K. A., & Oliveira, T. de A. (2024). Challenges in managing Primary Health Care during the covid-19 pandemic. Context and Health Journal, 24(49), e14779.

