Social representations about family care for children with pulmonary tuberculosis




Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Children Care, Children, Family, Nursing


The objective was to know the social representations about family care for children with pulmonary tuberculosis. This is a qualitative, descriptive study carried out in three municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, based on the Theory of Social Representations. Thirteen family caregivers of children undergoing treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis or who underwent treatment in the last five years participated. Data collection took place through interviews. The discourse of the collective subject was used for data analysis. The representation of care meant increased zeal and greater attention because it was a child. It was highlighted the stimulus to food, promotion of personal and home hygiene, concern with health (avoid cold, rain and closed environment), in addition to the administration of the medication and monitoring in health services and during hospitalization. The care also involved the formation of a social support network of the family that provided support and assistance in the care of the child. It was concluded that the family should be more valued by public health policies for its important role in tuberculosis control, being the core for children to achieve a cure.


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How to Cite

de Jung, B. C., Gomes, G. C., Xavier, D. M., Redü, A. de O., de Oliveira, S. M., & Gomes, L. C. (2024). Social representations about family care for children with pulmonary tuberculosis. Revista Contexto &Amp; Saúde, 24(48), e14896.

