Transfer of premature newborn between neonatal units: checklist for nurses' communication




Methodological Research in Nursing, Transfer of patients, Newborn Premature, Neonatal Intensive Care Units


The research aims to build and validate the content of a checklist for safe communication in the process of transferring care for preterm newborns hospitalized between neonatal care units to be used by nurses. Methodological study that used the classical theory of psychometric tests and instrument construction model. Developed in 3 phases: survey of item content, selection and construction of items, structuring of the instrument's content and validation of content and appearance by experts between March and October 2021. 23 experts with expertise in the area of ​​neonatal health participated . Data analysis occurred by calculating the Content Validity Index. The average age of the experts was 32.3 (±5.9) years. Females predominated (65.2%); brown race/color (52.2%); (52.2%) masters and (13.0%) doctors. The majority have a course in neonatal health (91.3%). The Nursing Checklist for Transfer of Preterm Infants is made up of seven domains that evaluate: general data from the unit of origin and destination of the transfer, information about the preterm newborn, past history, vital signs and physical examination, therapeutic planning, list for safe transfer from the neonatal unit, nursing diagnoses and interventions in neonatology. The content validity rates of the Instrument criteria for transferring preterm newborns ranged from 70.0% (illustrations) to 94.6% (content). Considering the global content validation index (0.846), it can be stated that the content of this checklist is valid for the safe transfer of premature newborns between neonatal care units.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, M. V. F., de Goes e Silva, M., Gouveia, M. T. de O., Alvarenga, W. de A. ., Lima, P. C. ., & Dantas, A. L. B. (2024). Transfer of premature newborn between neonatal units: checklist for nurses’ communication . Revista Contexto & Saúde, 24(48), e14898.

