Scientific literacy for safe use of plant-based products and food supplements




Information Dissemination, Interdisciplinarity, Health Literacy, Medicinal plants, Nutritional Supplementation


The “@encapsulando.unesp” is promoted by high school and undergraduate students in pharmacy, medicine, nursing and nutrition; postgraduate students; post-doctoral fellows and professors from four universities with the aim of spreading technical-scientific literacy on the use of plant-based products (PBP) and dietary supplements (DS). The following activities were conducted: a) reading, comprehending and evaluating the quality of scientific articles; b) preparation of technical scripts and educational materials in language accessible to the population, and c) dissemination of materials on social networks. The themes were defined based on social demands on the treatment and prevention of COVID-19 and its sequelae, in addition to the dialog with popular knowledge about the use of PBP and scientific evidence. Over a period of two years, 105 students analyzed 783 scientific articles and created 164 teaching materials that reached 49,736 users on social networks. A total of 15 scientific initiation projects were developed, along four course completion studies. Additionally, nine abstracts were presented at scientific events, and three books were published. Aligned with the United Nations' goal of providing quality education for sustainable development, the project has promoted the rational use of PBP and DS, contributing to health literacy and strengthening the relationship between the university and society.


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Xavier CS, Oliveira LA, Lucchetta RC, Forgerini M, Fantini AB, Nadai TR, et al. Análise de custos diretos e indiretos da COVID-19 em um hospital brasileiro. J Bras Econ Saúde 2022;14(Suppl.2):135-45.

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Schiavo G, Forgerini M, Lucchetta RC, Mastroianni PC. A comprehensive look at explicit screening tools for potentially inappropriate medication: A systematic scoping review. Australas J Ageing. 2022 Sep;41(3):357-382.

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How to Cite

Forgerini, M., Schiavo, G., Nascimento, G. B. ., & Mastroianni, P. de C. (2024). Scientific literacy for safe use of plant-based products and food supplements. Context and Health Journal, 24(48), e14929.

