Artificial intelligence: Vigiexcelence a strategy developed during the covid-19 pandemic




COVID-19, Machine Learning, Surveillance, Epidemiology


Objective: To describe the development process of na AI using Machine Learning for decision making related to COVID-19. Metodology: This quantitative, descriptive and exploratory study utilized secondary public domain data from SUS network systems, collected from the OpenDataSUS platform and the municipal health network. The objetctive was to describe the development process of na AI called VIGIEXCELÊNCIA, using machine learning for rapid decision-making in response to COVID-19. Result: Through the use of machine learning, the algorithm was able to perform assessments and provide quick responses based on predictive models. Conclusion: The use of AI in Epidemiological surveillance improves health servisse delivery.


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How to Cite

Ramos, E. M., & Carvalho, A. M. A. (2024). Artificial intelligence: Vigiexcelence a strategy developed during the covid-19 pandemic. Context and Health Journal, 24(49), e15261.

