
  • Vilton Emanoel Lopes de Moura e Silva Federal University of Piaui, PI, Brazil.
  • Valmir Oliveira Silvino Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Jefferson Fernando Coelho Rodrigues Júnior Physical Education Departament, Federal University of Maranhão - Pinheiro, MA, Brazil
  • Alyson Felipe da Costa Sena Physical Education Departament, Federal University of Maranhão - Sao Luís, MA, Brazil
  • Carlos Eduardo Neves Amorim Physical Education Departament, Federal University of Maranhão - Pinheiro, MA, Brazil
  • Christian Emmanuel Torres Cabido Physical Education Departament, Federal University of Maranhão - Sao Luís, MA, Brazil
  • Marcos Antônio Pereira dos Santos Federal University of Piaui, PI, Brazil.



Palabras clave:

Thermogenic, Running, post-exercise hypotension


Introduction: The use of food supplements with esthetic or performance-enhancing goals has been largely investigated. Thermogenics are supplements that increase energy expenditure through thermogenesis and are widely consumed by individuals seeking to improve body composition and exercise performance. Objective: To evaluate the effects of a commercially available thermogenic supplement on post-exercise blood pressure responses. Materials and Methods: Twenty-seven healthy thermogenic supplements users participated in the study. Nine were assigned in the control group (21.67 ± 1.87 years), nine in the thermogenic group (24.00 ± 4.18), and nine in the placebo group (23.67 ± 3.04). The volunteers performed a treadmill aerobic exercise session for 60 minutes at 65 to 85% max heart rate. The hemodynamic variables were measured at rest and during 60 minutes in the post-exercise recovery. The normality of the data was evaluated using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Baseline momentum and post-exercise recovery were analyzed using the two-way ANOVA test (group versus time factors), with Bonferroni post-hoc test. The level of statistical significance was set at p <0.05. Results: The thermogenic supplement did not significantly compromise post-exercise hypotension when compared to the other groups. However, thermogenic supplementation increased the blood pressure in >5 mmHg, which reportedly plays an important role in cardiovascular diseases. Conclusion: The use of the thermogenic Lipo 6 Black Ultra Concentre Nutrex ® did not alter PEH in healthy youngsters. However, since an increase in the blood pressure was observed, this supplementation must be administered with caution.

Biografía del autor/a

Vilton Emanoel Lopes de Moura e Silva, Federal University of Piaui, PI, Brazil.

Department of Biophysics and Physiology, Nucleus of Study in Physiology Applied to Performance and Health (NEFADS), Federal University of Piaui, PI, Brazil.

Jefferson Fernando Coelho Rodrigues Júnior, Physical Education Departament, Federal University of Maranhão - Pinheiro, MA, Brazil

Physical Education Departament, Federal University of Maranhão - Pinheiro, MA, Brazil

Alyson Felipe da Costa Sena, Physical Education Departament, Federal University of Maranhão - Sao Luís, MA, Brazil

Physical Education Departament, Federal University of Maranhão - Sao Luís, MA, Brazil

Carlos Eduardo Neves Amorim, Physical Education Departament, Federal University of Maranhão - Pinheiro, MA, Brazil

Physical Education Departament, Federal University of Maranhão - Pinheiro, MA, Brazil

Christian Emmanuel Torres Cabido, Physical Education Departament, Federal University of Maranhão - Sao Luís, MA, Brazil

Physical Education Departament, Federal University of Maranhão - Sao Luís, MA, Brazil

Marcos Antônio Pereira dos Santos, Federal University of Piaui, PI, Brazil.

Science and Health Post Graduation Department, Department of Biophysics and Physiology, Nucleus of Study in Physiology Applied to Performance and Health (NEFADS), Federal University of Piaui, PI, Brazil.




Cómo citar

e Silva, V. E. L. de M., Silvino, V. O., Rodrigues Júnior, J. F. C., Sena, A. F. da C., Amorim, C. E. N., Cabido, C. E. T., & dos Santos, M. A. P. (2020). EFFECT OF A THERMOGENIC SUPPLEMENTATION ON POST AEROBIC EXERCISE HEMODYNAMIC RESPONSES IN HEALTHY YOUNG MEN. Revista Contexto & Saúde, 20(38), 155–162. https://doi.org/10.21527/2176-7114.2020.38.155-162



Exercício Físico & Saúde