Incubadoras das Universidades Federais: uma análise dos editais de seleção de empresas




Inovação; Hélice Tríplice; Incubadoras de empresas


This article aims to analyze the common points of the technological-based incubation notices of the Brazilian federal universities. In order to achieve the proposed objective, a descriptive and exploratory research was carried out. Data were obtained through documentary analysis of the notices available on the websites of the analyzed institutions. It was found that federal institutions of higher education are an important development agent in Brazil, as they house a third of the existing incubators in the country. The process of selection and eligibility for incubation highlights the interest in innovation and technology-based projects and has the purpose of creating and developing organizations with the aid of incubation. The incubation time varies from 12 to 60 months, with the monthly incubation rate ranging from R$ 75.00 to R$ 1890.00. The services offered are aimed at providing the institution's physical structure, and technical support related to management activities.


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How to Cite

Silva, F. V., Machado Júnior, C., Luiz Gonçalves Martiniano, M., & Aparecida Caseiro, V. . (2023). Incubadoras das Universidades Federais: uma análise dos editais de seleção de empresas. Development in Question Journal, 21(59), e12188.