Human rights and the empowerment of girls, gender equality, education and emotional self-regulation for a sustainable future: A reflection




Human rights, Gender equality, Women's rights, Empowerment, Stereotypes, Emotional self-regulation


Human rights, women's empowerment, along with gender equality, education, and emotional intelligence form a crucial framework for an equitable and sustainable future. Ensuring the rights of women and girls is an act of justice and an investment in human and social development. In the modern world, especially in Latin America, patriarchy persists, reflected in appalling practices such as feminicides, rapes, child marriage, and teenage pregnancy, perpetuating gender violence. Empowering women and especially girls emerges as a key element to break this cycle, promoting their rights to freedom, physical and mental health, education, and dignified work. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (and various other documents) represent the moral and legal framework for this empowerment, emphasizing the equality and dignity of all individuals. Recognizing women and girls as a vulnerable group is essential to address the historical discriminations they face, therefore, when women's and girls' rights are denied or ignored, cycles of inequality that negatively impact society as a whole are perpetuated.


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How to Cite

González, M. C. G. M. (2024). Human rights and the empowerment of girls, gender equality, education and emotional self-regulation for a sustainable future: A reflection. Revista Direitos Humanos E Democracia, 12(24), e16039.

