Is it possible to prevent violence? Perceptions of women and men using the family health strategy




Violência, Prevenção primária, Estratégia Saúde da Família, Gênero e saúde


This study aimed to know the perception of women and men users of the Family Health Strategy about the prevention of violence. This is a descriptive, qualitative study carried out with 32 people using eight Family Health Strategies in a municipality located in the south of Rio Grande do Sul. The information was collected through interviews and later analyzed by the IRaMuTeQ software. The results showed that, due to its complexity, violence is difficult to prevent but essential. Among the strategies and attitudes for prevention, policing and individual behavior changes were listed. Regarding services and laws, the participants referred to the police, the Specialized Police Station for Assistance to Women, and the Maria da Penha Law. Health units and Education were also mentioned in the prevention of violence. It is believed that the research made it possible to think of more viable actions and strategies in relation to confronting and preventing situations of violence that, by respecting the demands of individuals, may be more effective and resolute.


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How to Cite

Gutmann, V. L. R., Silva, C. D., & Amarijo, C. L. (2023). Is it possible to prevent violence? Perceptions of women and men using the family health strategy. Context and Education Journal, 38(120), e13422.



Gênero e Sexualidade