Formative contributions for science/chemistry teachers: dialogues on metacognition and virtual learning environments




Training teachers, metacognitive model, technological resources


The goal this work was to investigate the possible formative contributions for Science/Chemistry teachers who participated in continuing education course about Virtual Learning Environments. It sought to establish relations between a metacognitive model and a model of teaching knowledge as a theoretical-methodological structure of the teacher training. Action research was adopted as a research method, with the participation of 20 teachers from the state education network of Tocantins. The data production was obtained from the recording of the meetings, followed by the transcription of the teachers’ speeches to analyze the metacognitive and affective elements developed during the course. The results, related to the first meeting, show that teachers have metacognitive knowledge at the Person level on technological resources and developed metacognitive experiences. However, few teachers advanced in the appropriation of metacognitive skills at the Task x Person level by the end of the meeting, which could lead to the appropriation of new knowledge. For this, although the training course contributed to the awareness of one's own knowledge about the use of digital resources, it is necessary to achieve the development of metacognitive skills for the production of more technological pedagogical content knowledge.


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How to Cite

Souza, K. de J., & Francisco, W. (2024). Formative contributions for science/chemistry teachers: dialogues on metacognition and virtual learning environments. Revista Contexto & Educação, 39(121), e14723.



Práticas Educativas: metodologias e saberes