Perception of air quality in urban centers: evaluation and promotion of knowledge in children living in the metropolitan region of Vitória (Espírito Santo)




child perception, air quality, urban areas, board game


Many studies have shown the negative impacts of air pollution on the aggravation of diseases, but few have shown that the involvement and awareness of this public has a significant educational role in reducing exposure to airborne contaminants. The objective of this work was to evaluate the perception of air quality of children residing in the Metropolitan Region of Greater Vitória - RMGV, through the creation of a Board Game, as well as to disseminate knowledge on the subject. The RMGV was chosen due to the high rate of complaints from the population regarding the dust deposited in their homes, representing a problem in today's urban areas. The results showed that although most of the children classified the air quality as “good” and “regular”, mean concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 were found in School 1 above the limits recommended by the World Health Organization. The questionnaires revealed that the vehicular source is the most recognized by the children, on the other hand, the design session allowed the expansion of the answers, covering from everyday life to questions of the children's imagination. It is clear that the expansion of content and reflection on environmental themes are of significant importance in the construction of future citizens and ecological awareness.





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How to Cite

Pagel, E. C., & das Neves, J. S. (2024). Perception of air quality in urban centers: evaluation and promotion of knowledge in children living in the metropolitan region of Vitória (Espírito Santo). Revista Contexto & Educação, 39(121), e14844.



Educação, ambiente e saúde