The insertion of microethics and macroethics approaches in engineering teaching: A brief systematic review of the literature




Microethics, Macroethics, Engineering Teaching, Systematic literature review


This study examines, through a systematic literature review, the scientific production about the insertion of microethics and macroethics teaching approaches in engineering. Based on the analysis of twenty-six (26) scientific articles and works published in the annals of international events, an increase in the publication of works on the use of the aforementioned approaches in engineering teaching was observed in the years 2015 and 2019. The analysis of the selected works showed that the microethics approach is characterized by the emphasis on topics related to individual responsibilities resulting from the professional performance of the engineer. The results also made it possible to identify that the macroethical approach is centered on broader professional considerations and related to the social and environmental impacts resulting from the execution of engineering projects and undertakings. In addition, it was identified that national contexts contribute to the existence of different configurations of the teaching model of micro and macroethical approaches in engineering courses. Finally, the literature review attested to the largest number of studies that related the STS approach and the Philosophy of Technology to the insertion of discussions and contents of a macroethical nature in engineering.


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How to Cite

Lemos, P. B. S., Jucá, S. C. S. ., & da Silva, S. A. (2024). The insertion of microethics and macroethics approaches in engineering teaching: A brief systematic review of the literature. Revista Contexto &Amp; Educação, 39(121), e14952.


