The student with dyslexia in school: A perspective from inclusive pedagogical proposals




Reading disorder, teaching and learning, importance of reading


This work stems from an interest in seeking methodologies that favor pedagogical practice with a focus on the inclusive work of children and young people who present a reading disorder defined as dyslexia. We note that it is essential to adapt school contexts in order to ensure quality teaching and learning for students. Thus, based on the theoretical perspectives of Dehaene (2012), Petrossi (2004), Castrillon (2013), Leffa (2006), Sampaio (2014), Kleiman (2000), Batista (2017), among others, this work was divided into three chapters: the importance of reading and the place of the student with dyslexia in this process; dyslexia and its effects; and, finally, the game as a pedagogical support tool. For the research, we sought to list the main deviant processes during oral reading in children and young people diagnosed with dyslexia. In addition, we developed a game with stimulus activities to increase phonemic awareness, starting from the identification and recognition of syllables, words, and sounds, applying and analyzing its effectiveness through reading tests and game organization, which is the main objective of this work. The participants in this research were children and young people diagnosed with dyslexia. In total, there were five participants aged nine (09) to twelve (12) years. After applying the game, we observed that the milder cases of dyslexia showed fewer difficulties than the participants with more advanced stages. Despite presenting different degrees of progress with the game, all showed an interest in learning.


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How to Cite

Rambo, P., Batista, J. de F., & Ziesmann, C. I. (2025). The student with dyslexia in school: A perspective from inclusive pedagogical proposals. Revista Contexto & Educação, 40(122), e16681.



Formação e Prática Docente para/na Educação Inclusiva – desafios e perspectivas para um ensino transformador