The Project “Building nn Anti-Racist School” and its effects on the training and curricular practices of teachers at a public school in Uberlândia, MG




anti-racist education, teacher training, curricular practices


This text aims to analyze the ways in which the project “Building an anti-racist school” reverberated in the training and curricular practices of teachers who worked in Early Childhood Education from a public school located in the city of Uberlândia, MG. The project was developed from October 2020 to April 2022. The focus of the project was Early Childhood Education as it is the time when students enter school. As a methodology, we opted for a qualitative approach and used Thematic Oral History. Eight teachers who participated in all stages of the Project were interviewed. It was possible to verify that the aforementioned project, with regard to most of the protagonists, promoted reflections on situations of racism in the school environment and thus expanded their knowledge and remodeled their curricular practices.


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How to Cite

da Silva Júnior, A. F., & Machado, L. A. de S. (2024). The Project “Building nn Anti-Racist School” and its effects on the training and curricular practices of teachers at a public school in Uberlândia, MG. Revista Contexto & Educação, 39(121), e15511.



Educação, Currículo e Trabalho