Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- It is understood that accepted articles will have an editing fee of R$ 600.00.
- Research involving human subjects must include the approval number from the Research Ethics Committee (REC), and studies involving animal experiments must include the approval number from the Animal Ethics Committee (AEC). At the time of manuscript submission, the author must provide the REC or AEC APPROVAL DOCUMENT. Approval from the REC or AEC must be no older than five years.
- The text adheres to the style standards and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines and is in Word for Windows format or compatible.
- The references must comply with the journal's guidelines (Vancouver style).
- The author must submit the OPEN SCIENCE COMPLIANCE FORM at the time of manuscript submission (see submission guidelines).
- The author must submit the ARTICLE COVER LETTER at the time of manuscript submission (see submission guidelines).
- The text includes a title, abstract, and keywords in both Portuguese and English.
- Authors will be required to translate accepted articles into English and will be responsible for the full translation costs.
- The contribution is original, unpublished, and is not under review for publication by another journal.
Author Guidelines
CREDIT TAXONOMY (Contributor Roles Taxonomy)
1. General Information
The Revista Contexto & Saúde publishes an annual and continuous volume in electronic format, as and when manuscripts are approved.
- Frequency: Annual with continuous publication
- Publication Type: Continuous Publication
- Year of Journal Creation: 2001
2. Editorial Policy
The Revista Contexto & Saúde is Unijuí’s scientific journal, affiliated with the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Comprehensive Health Care, which, since 2001, has aimed to disseminate the technical-scientific production on topics related to Health Sciences. The journal’s scope includes the dissemination of research results that address advancements in the health-disease-care process and in the knowledge and applicability of new chemical and biological processes in health. This journal considers publishing studies related to epidemiological, healthcare, and educational aspects of health, as well as experimental and applied research, as a way to support and enhance healthcare through a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach.
The Revista Contexto & Saúde follows an open access policy, with its articles being made available in full and free of charge. The journal is edited continuously (rolling pass), with articles being published after evaluation and approval.
3. General Submission Instructions
To submit, the corresponding author must log into the Revista Contexto & Saúde system. During submission, the corresponding author must submit the following in item 2 (Manuscript Transfer):
- Article formatted according to the journal’s guidelines.
- Article cover letter (see attached guidelines).
- Open Science Compliance Form (see attached guidelines).
- For research involving human subjects, the corresponding author must submit the approval document from the Research Ethics Committee (REC).
For research involving animal experiments, the corresponding author must submit the approval document from the Animal Ethics Committee (AEC).
Then, in item 3 (insert metadata), the corresponding author must fill in the requested information, including ORCID and the institution of each author.
4. General Information About the Article
4. 1. Categories of Articles Accepted for Publication
- Original Articles: Articles aimed at disseminating the results of original and unpublished research that can be replicated and/or generalised.
- Review Articles: Studies intended to be evaluative, critical, and systematic, that present results from original and recent research. Their purpose is to stimulate discussion and introduce debate on relevant and innovative aspects. To achieve this, authors must present the review method used, detail the thorough research process, and explain the criteria employed for selecting and classifying the primary studies included. It is essential that these articles are supported by scientific excellence standards and address relevant questions in health-related fields. The review methods that can be published include, but are not limited to, systematic reviews with meta-analysis or meta-synthesis, integrative reviews, and scoping reviews.
4. 2. Languages
Manuscripts are accepted in Portuguese, English, or Spanish.
4. 3. Manuscript Structure
Title: Should identify the content of the work in up to 15 words. It should be presented in the language of the manuscript and in English.
Highlights: Key points that summarise the main conclusions of the study. These consist of a small collection of statements outlining the primary contributions of the submitted manuscript. Include 3 to 5 points, each with a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces. They must be presented in both the article's original language and in English.
Abstract: Up to 250 words, written in a single paragraph. The abstract should be in the language of the manuscript and accompanied by its version in English (Abstract). The abstract must contain descriptions of: Objective, Method, Results, and Conclusion. The objective should be clear and described in the infinitive tense. The Method section should include the study type, sample, variables, instruments used in the research, and the type of analysis. Results must be concise, informative, and highlight the main described and quantified findings, including participant characteristics and the final data analysis. The Conclusion should directly address the objective, offering considerations on the study's theoretical or practical implications and its key contributions to advancing scientific knowledge. The abstract should exclude author citations, data collection locations, years, or acronyms. For clinical trials, the clinical trial registration number must be included at the end of the abstract. This registration number will not count towards the abstract’s word limit.
Keywords: 3 to 6 terms that help identify the subject of the work, in both Portuguese (Palavras-chave) and English (Keywords), following the "Descritores em Ciências da Saúde" ( or MeSH (, and may be modified by the Journal if necessary.
Introduction: Should present the research problem, justification, literature review (relevance and importance of the topic), and objectives that align with the study proposal.
Method: Should identify the study type (design or study plan), the population or sample studied, selection criteria, study period, location (if applicable), procedures, statistical methods (if appropriate), and ethical considerations (number of approval from the Research Ethics Committee or Animal Ethics Committee and Informed Consent Form).
Results: Should be described in a logical sequence. When presented in tables and figures, the text should complement and not repeat what is described in them.
Discussion: It should include the arguments related to the results in the context of existing literature and the authors’ interpretation. Additionally, it must clearly outline the study’s contributions and discuss its limitations.
Conclusions (Final Considerations): Should highlight the most important findings, considering the response to the study's objective and implications for the field.
References: It is recommended to use no more than 40 updated references (75% from the last five years), with references outside this period being acceptable, provided they are fundamental for the study. Authors should justify any such references in the cover letter.
Figures and Tables: Figures and Tables should be included in the text sequentially, numbered in the order they are cited. Each must have a proper number and caption. If using figures or tables from other sources, the original source must be cited. A maximum of 5 Figures and/or Tables is permitted.
Ethical Aspects: In research involving people, submission should include the approval number from the Ethics Committee, as per the Ministry of Health Opinion 466/2012, which must be attached in the supporting documents. Similarly, research involving animal experiments should follow the ethical principles adopted by the National Council for the Control of Animal Experimentation (Concea), and the approval number from the Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee (Ceua) should be provided. The approval document must be attached in the supporting documents.
4. 4. Authors
4. 4. 1. General Information on Authorship
The names of the authors should not appear in the article document, only in the metadata in the submission system and in the COVER LETTER FOR ARTICLE SUBMISSION.
In the submission metadata, the email, ORCID, and institution of each author must be included. Up to three institutional affiliations can be listed, for example: "University, Faculty, and Department/Program."
The maximum number of authors is limited to eight, with exceptions considered only with a valid justification for including more authors. The inclusion of authors whose contributions do not meet the established criteria will not be accepted as a justification for their listing. However, such collaborators may be recognised in the Acknowledgments section, which is designated to thank institutions or individuals who supported the research or contributed to the study without meeting the criteria for authorship.
The participation and contribution of each individual in the development of the work will be carefully assessed to ensure that only those who meet the authorship criteria are listed as authors. The goal of this policy is to ensure transparency and proper attribution of credit to those involved in the research, while maintaining the integrity and validity of the academic work. The authorship criteria are established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE)
The detailed contributions of the authors must be recorded in the COVER LETTER FOR ARTICLE SUBMISSION (see item 4. 4. 2. CRediT taxonomy).
The authors of the manuscript must confirm that:
(1) The manuscript is original, unpublished, and has not been submitted to any other journal nor will it be while under evaluation by Revista Contexto & Saúde.
(2) The manuscript has not been published in full or in part in any other medium, and it does not substantially resemble any other work by the author or third parties.
(3) All data presented in the article are legitimate and authentic.
(4) The authors actively contributed to the conception of this work and take full responsibility for its content. No links or financing agreements between the authors and companies with a potential interest in the publication of this article have been disclosed. All individuals who contributed to this study but did not qualify for authorship have been properly recognised in the acknowledgments section with written permission from the mentioned authors.
(5) Any conflicts of interest have been disclosed, and any financial support received for this research has been appropriately acknowledged.
(6) The authors agree to serve as reviewers in the manuscript review process when requested by the journal.
(7) Declare that all ethical principles of research involving people and/or animals have been strictly followed in accordance with Resolution No. 466/12 of the National Health Council (CNS) and the National Committee for the Control of Animal Experimentation (Concea) of 2023. All relevant documents proving compliance with these principles shall be submitted alongside the manuscript, and a clear description of the adherence to these standards is included in the "Methodology/Methods" section.
(8) The data presented in the article are not the result of scientific misconduct, including data fabrication, misuse of third-party materials (such as tables, graphs, charts, figures, scales, drawings, instruments, questionnaires, methodology validation, and other illustrations), plagiarism, self-plagiarism, or duplication. Declare that you are the sole author and copyright holder. If the article contains third-party material, confirm that prior permission for its reproduction has been obtained, ensuring no violation of third-party copyright or intellectual property rights, in accordance with Law No. 9.610/98.
(9) Agree fully with the Public Access and Copyright Policy adopted by Revista Contexto & Saúde, which uses the Creative Commons – CC BY licence. This licence permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the work, including for commercial purposes, provided the original creation is properly attributed. Consequently, the journal must be granted the right to publish this work first, with appropriate recognition of the authors.
(10) Agree with the publication of the PRE-PROOF version of the article. That is, after acceptance, the article may be published in its version without editing (review and formatting). After the review and formatting by the Unijuí Publisher, the authors must commit to making the requested changes for the final version of the article.
(11) Agree that, if the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors will be asked to translate it into English. The authors will be responsible for all translation and/or revision costs and will be required to provide a Certificate of Translation.
4. 4. 2. CRediT Taxonomy
CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) is a comprehensive classification framework that includes 14 distinct roles, each representing typical functions performed by contributors in the creation of academic and scientific works. These roles describe the specific and individual contributions of each author to the research, allowing for a detailed representation of their contributions.
The primary goal of this taxonomy is to enhance transparency about individual author contributions in scientific works, thereby improving attribution systems, recognition, and accountability. Notably, a single contributor may take on multiple roles in the creation of a work, and CRediT offers a framework to clearly and systematically represent this diversity of contributions.
4. 5. Clinical Trial
For studies categorised as Clinical Trials, Revista Contexto & Saúde follows the recommendations of the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), and the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding Clinical Trial Registration. The Clinical Trial Approval Registration number must be obtained before the data collection phase of the study. This registration should be acquired from one of the following entities:
- Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR)
- International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN)
- Netherlands Trial Register (NTR)
- UMIN Clinical Trials Registry (UMIN-CTR)
- WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP)
- Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (ReBEC)
- Or other clinical trial registries that meet the criteria established by WHO.
The submission of the appropriate registration number is a critical measure to ensure transparency, traceability, and the integrity of clinical trial research. These guidelines aim to promote the dissemination of complete and accurate information about clinical studies, preventing selective publication of results and helping avoid publication bias. Furthermore, the clinical trial registration facilitates the tracking of ongoing studies, allowing the scientific community and the general public to access relevant health research information.
4. 6. Guidelines for Text Presentation
To enhance the quality and transparency of health research, it is essential that texts follow the guidelines from the EQUATOR Network, according to the type of study. Below are the recommendations for each type of study:
Quality Improvement Studies:
Consult the "Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence" (SQUIRE 2.0 – checklist).
Randomised Clinical Trials:
Use the CONSORT Guideline (checklist and flowchart).
It is important to note that clinical trials must be prospectively registered in one of the entities mentioned in Section 4.5.
Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses:
Use the PRISMA Guideline (checklist and flowchart).
For other types of reviews (meta-synthesis, scoping review, mapping review, overview, integrative review, etc.), use the PRISMA extensions, available at PRISMA Extensions.
Observational Studies in Epidemiology:
Consult the STROBE Guideline (checklist).
Qualitative Studies:
It is recommended to use the COREQ Guideline (checklist).
Note: Following the specific guidelines for each type of study is essential to ensure proper structure and presentation of research findings. Compliance with these guidelines enhances the quality and transparency of health investigations.
4. 7. Manuscript Formatting
The manuscript should be typed in Microsoft Word or compatible software.
- Font: Times New Roman, size 12 (use italics only for foreign language words).
- Page Format: A4.
- Line Spacing: 1.5.
- Margins: 2.5 cm (right, left, top, and bottom).
- Figures and Tables: Inserted in the text in sequential order and numbered as cited in the text.
- References: Must follow the Vancouver style guidelines Vancouver Guidelines.
- Number of References: A maximum of 40 references is recommended.
- At least 75% of references must be from the last 5 years.
- Page Limits:
- Original articles: 20 pages.
- Review articles: 15 pages.
- Reference Citations:
- In-text citations should be numbered in superscript without author names (except for theoretical or methodological references).
- Sequential citations should indicate the first and last number, separated by a hyphen. Example: 1-3.
- Non-sequential citations should be separated by commas. Example: 1-2,4.
- There should be no space between the citation number and the preceding word. Example: Coronavirus3-6,16,21.
- Reference List:
- The references used in the manuscript should be presented at the end, listed in the order they appear in the text.
Reference Examples:
Book: Rios TA. Compreender e ensinar: por uma docência da melhor qualidade. 2nd ed. São Paulo: Cortez; 2001.
Journal Article: Pai SD, Langendorf TF, Rodrigues MCS, Romero MP, Loro MM, Kolankiewicz ACB. Psychometric validation of an instrument that assesses the safety culture in Primary Care. Acta paul enferm. 2019;32(6):642-650. DOI:
Dissertations and Theses:
Preferably avoid using these as they are considered grey literature. Example:
Vaz, SMCV. Analysis of late-onset sepsis incidence in neonates treated in an Intensive Care Unit [master's thesis]. Ijuí, RS: Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Unijuí; 2022. 105 p.
Footnotes: Footnotes should be numbered sequentially throughout the text and used only when absolutely necessary. In tables and figures, footnotes should be indicated by symbols (*, †, ‡, §, ...).
- The formatting should be done using the Microsoft Word table function, with Times New Roman font, size 10, and single line spacing.
- Each data entry should occupy a specific cell and be separated by rows and columns, with no empty cells.
- The table title should be placed at the top, and the source at the bottom, with the following legend: Source: The authors.
- Columns should be clearly labelled to ensure data clarity.
- Internal lines should only be inserted below and above the header and at the bottom of the table.
- Figures (charts, graphs, drawings, diagrams, flowcharts, photos) should be referenced in the text as "Figure," followed by the corresponding number (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2).
- The title of the figure, including the source, should be placed at the bottom: Source: The authors.
- Boxes should contain textual information (not numerical) and be bordered with lines on the sides and internal lines for better organisation.
- If a box is taken from another publication, the reference should be provided. Otherwise, it should state: Source: Elaborated by the authors.
- Graphs should be clear and legible.
- If taken from other publications, the source reference should be provided. Otherwise, it should state: Source: Elaborated by the authors.
Diagrams, Drawings, Flowcharts:
- Should be clear and legible, presented in an organised manner.
- If extracted from other publications, the source reference must be provided. Otherwise, it should state: Source: Elaborated by the authors.
- Photos should be clear and submitted in high resolution.
Participants' Testimonials:
- For qualitative research presenting excerpts from participant interviews, use a 1.25 cm left margin indent, without italics or quotation marks, and with the participant's identification after the period, in parentheses.
Example: The qualitative research presents the participants' testimonials. (Suj1).
4. 8. Considerations on the Use of Chatbots in Submitted Manuscripts
In order to ensure the integrity and reliability of the conclusions and results presented in scientific manuscripts that employ Chatbots, as well as to maintain public trust in the advancements and results shared, the Revista Contexto & Saúde supports the guidelines set forth by WAME (World Association of Medical Editors) ( regarding the ethical aspects associated with the use of these technologies in scientific manuscripts. These include:
Authors are required to fully disclose the use of Chatbots in the manuscript writing process. They must provide detailed information, including the name, version, model, and source of the Chatbot, as well as a clear description of its role and contributions to the creation of the text.
Authors must take full responsibility for the work produced by Chatbots in their manuscripts, ensuring the accuracy of the content and confirming that no plagiarism is included. Furthermore, human authors are responsible for ensuring the absence of plagiarism in their articles, including any text generated by the Chatbots.
Authors must ensure proper attribution of all sources, including material produced by the Chatbots. They should also seek and cite sources that support the statements made by the Chatbots.
Authors must discuss the limitations and potential biases of using Chatbots in the production of scientific texts, such as the inability to understand nuances or ambiguities in language.
The Revista Contexto & Saúde requires that authors disclose the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process by adding a statement during manuscript submission (item 2 – manuscript transfer).
The statement must include the following information:
"Declaration of the Use of Generative AI and AI-Assisted Technologies in the Writing Process."
"During the preparation of this article, the author(s) used [NAME OF TOOL/SERVICE] for the purpose of [PURPOSE]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and took full responsibility for the content of the publication."
It is important to note that this statement does not apply to the use of basic text revision tools, such as spell checkers, grammar checkers, bibliographic references, etc. If no generative AI or AI-assisted technologies were used in the writing process, the inclusion of this statement is not required.
5. Article Evaluation
5.1. Evaluation Stages:
a. Pre-analysis:
Initially, the article is received by the technical team, which checks its compliance with the journal's guidelines. Following this, the manuscript will be reviewed by members of the Editorial Committee, who will assess its alignment with the journal’s general criteria and editorial policy. Articles will be rejected at this stage if they: a) are simply literature reviews or excerpts from theses, dissertations, projects, or research reports without proper adaptation; b) are excessively descriptive and lack analytical depth; c) do not offer a significant contribution to the field of knowledge; d) do not comply with the journal’s publication guidelines. Articles rejected at this stage will be archived, and those approved will proceed to the next stage.
b. Peer Review:
Articles will be evaluated by at least two specialists in the subject area, selected from the ad hoc reviewers who are members of the journal’s Scientific Committee. These reviewers will be from different Brazilian institutions and from other countries. The peer review process is double-blind, meaning the identities of both the reviewers and the authors are kept anonymous. The reviews may or may not be published alongside the article (see item 6.3 Peer Review Openings and Associated Editor Identification).
Reviewers will evaluate the article based on the following assessment criteria: Clarity of writing and fluency of reading; Compatibility with scientific document standards; Relevance and appropriateness of the theoretical-conceptual framework; Clarity and alignment of the study object with the journal’s focus and scope; Clear objectives stated and aligned in the abstract, introduction, and conclusion; Well-explained and appropriate methodology for the article’s goals; Good presentation and discussion of results, engaging with the theoretical-conceptual framework; Concise conclusions that are compatible with the methodology and results; Originality and contribution of the article to the field of knowledge.
After submitting the reviewer’s descriptive feedback on the journal’s page, the editor will select one of the following recommendations:
- Accept
- Mandatory Revisions
- Resubmit for Review
- Submit to Another Journal
- Reject
c. Editorial Decision:
Authors will be notified by the Editors of the journal regarding the acceptance or rejection of their manuscript based on the received reviews. Any suggestions for structural or content modifications will be communicated to the author(s), who will be responsible for making the necessary changes.
The Editors of the journal reserve the right to suggest formal modifications to ensure the submission aligns with the journal’s editorial and graphical standards.
5. 2. Guide for Reviewers and Article Evaluation Criteria
Revista Contexto & Saúde is committed to promoting the dissemination of relevant and high-quality scientific research in the health field. Below are the Peer Review evaluation criteria:
a. Compliance with Journal Guidelines:
Does the manuscript strictly adhere to the presentation guidelines of Revista Contexto & Saúde, ensuring consistency and uniformity in the publication?
b. Clarity of the Investigated Problem:
Is the problem being investigated clearly formulated and presented, allowing for a precise understanding of the study's objectives?
c. Study Contribution:
Is the manuscript relevant and innovative, adding knowledge to the health field?
d. National or International Relevance:
Does the article present relevance beyond the local scope, with potential to contribute to the national or international health research landscape?
e. Scientific Literature Review:
Is the literature review current, pertinent, and comprehensive, demonstrating familiarity with previously published studies related to the topic?
f. Appropriateness of the Research Method:
Is the research method used appropriate for addressing the investigated problem, ensuring the reliability and validity of the results?
g. Clarity and Replicability of the Method:
Is the method description clear and detailed, allowing other researchers to replicate the study?
h. Data Analysis:
Is the data analysis performed clearly, appropriately, and accurately, providing a well-founded interpretation of the results?
i. Adequate Presentation of Results:
Are the results presented clearly, objectively, and appropriately, making them easy to understand for readers?
j. Discussion and Well-Founded Conclusions:
Is the discussion and the conclusion(s) supported by the results presented and/or by a current and pertinent literature review, providing a consistent argument?
k. Text Quality:
Is the text clear, coherent, and well-organised, contributing to the dissemination of high-quality scientific knowledge?
By adopting these evaluation criteria, Revista Contexto & Saúde aims to maintain a high standard of excellence in its publications, providing readers and researchers with a reliable source of scientific knowledge in the health field.
6. Ethics in Research
6. 1. Editorial Code of Conduct: Declaration of Improper Procedures in Publications
Revista Contexto & Saúde is committed to ethical research and publication practices. Ethical behaviour is a cornerstone for all parties involved in the publication of the journal.
Plagiarism is not tolerated, and articles derived from parts of research reports, undergraduate theses, dissertations, or theses of the author, without proper adaptation, will not be considered.
The journal employs plagiarism detection software (Plagius) to ensure ethical principles and prevent improper practices in scientific production.
In cases where plagiarism is identified, i.e., a substantial part of the text is found to be identical to a previously published article, the Chief Editor, in conjunction with the UNIJUÍ Publisher support team, will follow these procedures: a) Evidence of the detected plagiarism will be sent to the author(s), requesting a response regarding the issue. b) If the response is unsatisfactory, or the text is not corrected, the article will not be published.
Revista Contexto & Saúde follows the recommendations of the ethical codes in publication established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) [] and the Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors [].
6. 2. Ethics/Publication Policies
6. 2. 1. Ethics Committee
Authors must declare in articles involving human subjects whether the procedures followed the guidelines of the Declaration of Helsinki (1964, with revisions in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996, 2000, and 2008), as well as comply with the specific legislation of the country where the research was conducted. For studies conducted in Brazil, it is necessary to indicate compliance with Resolution No. 466 of the National Health Council, dated December 12, 2012, and Resolution No. 510, dated April 7, 2016.
Additionally, for articles derived from research involving human subjects, authors must inform whether the project was approved by an Ethics Committee in Research. For studies involving animal experimentation, authors must specify whether the project was approved by the Ethics Committee for the Use of Animals. In both cases, authors must provide the approval number and attach a copy of the approval statement as a supplementary document.
6. 2. 2. Authorship and Contributions Policies
See item 4 .4. 1. General Information on Authorship
6. 2. 3. Clinical Trials Policies
See item 4. 5. Clinical Trials
6. 2. 4. Conflict of Interest
A conflict of interest in research occurs when one or more participants in the process— which may include researchers, editors, or reviewers— have ties to institutions or interests that may compromise the integrity of the research or limit impartiality in the evaluation of the study. For Revista Contexto & Saúde, authors must submit a Letter of Presentation indicating whether there is a conflict of interest or not. This letter must be submitted along with the article.
6. 2. 5. Post-Publication Corrections Policies
Any additions or modifications to the submitted text must be made exclusively before the manuscript is accepted and only if approved by the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief will only consider additions or modifications to the text after the manuscript is accepted under exceptional circumstances. During the period in which the Editor-in-Chief evaluates the request, the publication of the manuscript will be suspended.
Likewise, the addition (or changes) of authorship during the evaluation stage will only be permitted upon formal and justified request submitted by the authors.
However, when an author identifies a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, it is their responsibility to immediately inform the Editor-in-Chief and work with the editor to correct the article.
6. 2. 5. 1. Policies on Addendum Publication
An addendum is published to provide additional information about a previously published document without correcting the original text. Addenda do not contradict the original publication and are not intended for error corrections. They should be issued when the inclusion of supplementary information enhances the reader's understanding of a significant aspect of the published work. See: Guide for the registration, tagging, and publication of Addenda.
6. 2. 5. 2. Retraction Publication Policies
An article already published in Revista Contexto & Saúde, in which misconduct is identified, will remain indexed in the journal’s database as retracted. The procedure for the retraction of an article will be initiated after receiving formal notice sent to the Editor-in-Chief by email: The notice must be accompanied by the retraction text, stating the reasons for the retraction. See: Guide for the registration, tagging, and publication of retractions.
6. 2. 5. 3. Erratum Publication Policies
In cases where an erratum is necessary, as long as it does not constitute misconduct, these should be made according to the Guide for the registration, tagging, and publication of errata.
6. 2. 6. Intellectual Property and Reproduction Rights Policy
See item 8. 6. Copyright and Open Access Statement
6. 2. 7. Complaint Management Policy
Revista Contexto & Saúde is committed to receiving complaints and providing information about its editorial process. If a complaint is received alleging that any contribution to the journal violates intellectual property rights or contains material inaccuracies or illegal materials, an investigation will be launched. This process may involve requesting evidence from the parties involved to support their claims. Revista Contexto & Saúde will make a good-faith decision regarding the removal of the allegedly illegal material, and all stages of the investigation and decision will be properly documented by the editorial team.
We recognise our commitment to ensuring that Revista Contexto & Saúde maintains the highest quality standards and is free from errors, though we understand that occasional mistakes may occur. The Editor-in-Chief and the Revista Contexto & Saúde team will make every effort to promptly address any issues appropriately, including offering the right of reply when necessary. We seek to investigate complaints impartially, examining how systems can be improved to prevent errors whenever possible.
To submit complaints or request information about the editorial process, Revista Contexto & Saúde is available via email at:
6. 2. 8. Ethical Principles of the Editorial Process
a) Editorial Independence: Revista Contexto & Saúde commits to maintaining complete editorial independence, ensuring that political, economic, or business factors do not influence its decisions and processes.
b) Equality and Inclusion: Revista Contexto & Saúde guarantees that authors, editors, and reviewers are treated equitably, without discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political ideology.
c) Mutual Respect: Revista Contexto & Saúde ensures that interactions between authors, reviewers, and editors are always based on mutual respect. Any form of offensive or disrespectful communication will not be accepted.
d) Transparency and Communication: Revista Contexto & Saúde commits to transparency throughout the editorial process and to clear and open communication between editors, authors, and reviewers.
6. 2. 9. Duties of the Editor
a) Publication Decision: The editor is responsible for deciding which articles submitted to the journal should be accepted, based on the reviews of ad hoc reviewers.
b) Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: The editor must not use unpublished materials from a submitted manuscript in their own research without the explicit, written consent of the author. Furthermore, the editor must refrain from evaluating manuscripts in which they have conflicts of interest, whether competitive, collaborative, or due to other relationships with any of the authors, companies, or institutions related to the manuscripts.
c) Confidentiality: The editor must ensure the confidentiality of all information related to a submitted manuscript, sharing it only with the ad hoc reviewers.
d) Involvement and Cooperation in Investigations: The editor must take the necessary and appropriate steps in response to ethical complaints related to a submitted manuscript or a published article.
6. 2. 10. Double-Blind Peer Review Process
To maintain impartiality and the high quality of our publications, submitted works are evaluated through a double-blind review system. It is the responsibility of Revista Contexto & Saúde:
a) Review Structure: Provide reviewers with the necessary resources to conduct the evaluation process appropriately.
b) Ethical Guidelines: Encourage reviewers to act in accordance with the established Ethical Guidelines.
c) Anonymity: Ensure the anonymity of both parties (authors and reviewers) in the review process.
d) Investigation of Irregularities: Investigate any indications of fraudulent or manipulated review processes.
6. 2. 11. Duties of Ad Hoc Reviewers
a) Contribution to Editorial Decisions: Contribute to editorial decisions through a thorough and informed review.
b) Punctuality: Be punctual in delivering evaluations. Any reviewer who does not feel qualified to assess the article or cannot meet the deadline should immediately notify the editor.
c) Confidentiality: Treat the works received for review as confidential documents, not showing or discussing them with others.
d) Objectivity: Adopt standards of objectivity in evaluations, expressing their views in a clear and well-supported manner.
e) Identification of Relevant References: Identify relevant works that have been published but not cited by the authors.
f) Alerting on Similarities: Reviewers should alert the editor to any substantial similarities or overlap between the manuscript under review and any other article they are personally aware of.
g) Conflicts of Interest: Notify the editor if there are conflicts of interest due to competitive, collaborative, or other relationships with the authors, companies, or institutions related to the manuscripts, refraining from evaluating the manuscript in such cases.
7. Cover Letter for the Article
At the time of submission, the corresponding author must submit the Cover Letter for the article. The letter's template can be found in the journal's guidelines. It should include:
AUTHOR INFORMATION: Name of the corresponding author; institution of the corresponding author; full address of the institution of the corresponding author.
GENERAL ARTICLE INFORMATION: Title of the manuscript; manuscript category (original article or review article); thesis/dissertation, project article; funding sources; study contribution.
AUTHOR INFORMATION: Name, institution, city/state, country of the authors, Lattes (for Brazilian authors), and Orcid; detailed descriptions of the authors' specific contributions (CRediT taxonomy).
SUGGESTION FOR AD HOC REVIEWER: The corresponding author should suggest an ad hoc reviewer for the article, who must be a Ph.D. researcher and not affiliated with the authors' institution.
8. Open Science
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8.3. Opening Peer Review and Identification of the Associate Editor This section refers to transparency in the review of articles submitted to Revista Contexto & Saúde. Authors may choose to open the peer review process, meaning whether or not to publish the approval reviews if the submitted article is accepted for publication. The author's choice must be indicated in the "Open Science Compliance Form." Reviewers must state their preferences upon receiving the review request for a given article.
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9. Publication
See information in the tab "Sobre a Revista"
Translated from the original version on December 2, 2024.
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