Mobile health APPlication for hypertensive patients: an interdisciplinary proposal for nutritional guidance and physical exercise




Smartphone., Recomendações nutricionais., Exercício., Tecnologia.


The development of interactive health applications has been recommended due to the high availability, access and low cost, both for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases and guidance and monitoring of healthy behaviors. The study aimed to develop a mobile health app with nutritional and exercise guidelines for hypertensive audiences. The application of nutritional intervention associated with physical exercise (AppINEF) was created based on a research project entitled the effect of a nutritional intervention associated with physical exercise in reducing cardiovascular risk and costs for the single health system in hypertensive patients. For the development of AppINEF, a survey of nutrition and exercise applications was carried out at the Apple Store and Google Play, then a paper prototype was built, database modeling, use of free and widely used technologies in academia and industry software (HyperText Markup Language, Javascript, Personal Home Page and PostgreSQL). After the development and testing of the software, it was ported to the Android system and comprised of ten databases. AppINEF features a home screen for access, a registration screen and a main menu with six icons: food diary, exercises, assessments, contact, extra and going out. The mobile health app was developed by health professionals to guide hypertensive patients in their diet and physical exercise, offering a range of functions with behavior change and gamification strategies for greater attraction and interaction of users.


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How to Cite

Saraiva, L. C., Araujo, I. S. de, Siqueira, A. A., Araújo, W. A. de, Gomes, G. M. S., Bezerra, L. M. M. R., & Carvalho, F. O. (2023). Mobile health APPlication for hypertensive patients: an interdisciplinary proposal for nutritional guidance and physical exercise. Context and Health Journal, 23(47), e11279.


