Use and prescription profile of vaginal miconazole in a basic health unit


  • Nathállia Resende de Melo Barbosa Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde - ESCS / FEPECS, Brasília, Distrito Federal,
  • Dayani Galato Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ceilândia, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil
  • Raissa Pereira Santos Escola Superior de Ciências da Saúde, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brasil
  • Alexandre Vaz Machado Secretaria de Estado de Saúde do Distrito Federal


Estratégia Saúde da Família, Saúde da Mulher, Candidíase Vulvovaginal, Assistência Farmacêutica


Objective: describe the perspective of the use and supply of Miconazole Nitrate 20mg/g vaginal cream from prescriptions attended by the pharmacy of the Basic Health Unit (BHU) in the Federal District, Brazil. Methodology: cross-sectional observational study carried out at the BHU pharmacy with data from the Alphalinc system and information on the Miconazole Nitrate prescriptions for vaginal cream dispensed between February and July 2020. Results: 74.5% of the prescriptions were for patients aged between 25 and 64 years. 72.7% of the patients had no previous drug withdrawals registered in the system. Of the supplies made on the same day of the prescription date, 91.3% of the prescriptions were issued at the study's BHU. The medical professional category prescribed 52.4% of prescriptions. The prescribed dosage was in accordance with the protocol in 74.9% of the prescriptions. Regarding the use information complementary to the dosage expressed in the prescriptions, the most frequent one was about the time of application of the medication, appearing in 83.1% of them. 47.2% of the prescriptions contained only Miconazole as a medicament, and, of those that presented another substance, the most frequent was Fluconazole, being prescribed in 22.5% of them. Conclusion: in addition to describing the profile of the prescriptions for Miconazole Nitrate vaginal cream, the study reinforced the concept of health promotion and disease prevention in the family health strategy, based on reflections on aspects involving primary health care, pharmaceutical services and women’s health.



How to Cite

Barbosa, N. R. de M., Galato, D., Santos, R. P., & Machado, A. V. (2022). Use and prescription profile of vaginal miconazole in a basic health unit. Context and Health Journal, 22(45), e12110. Retrieved from


