Association of physical activity level with depressive symptoms, sleep and mood in universities




Atividade física, Saúde mental, Insônia


Research has shown that the university population is irregularly physically active and has evidenced changes in sleep behavior and depressive symptoms. Therefore, the present study purpose to associate the level of physical activity with depressive symptoms, sleep and mood in university students. Cross-sectional descriptive study with the participation of 75 university students (20 and 25 years old) from the Medicine Course at the Federal University of Parana. Students completed online questionnaires about depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory), sleep (Epworth) and mood (Pomps and Brums). The level of physical activity was verified by accelerometer for seven days. Statistical analysis included Student t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and linear regression test, considering p < 0.05. The results showed that 28% of the study sample was considered active, as 14% of students had symptoms suggestive of depression and 61% reported drowsiness. Sedentary students were 84% and 73% more likely to have major sleep and stress disorders, respectively. For the present study, most university students were classified as insufficiently active and there was also an influence of sedentary lifestyle on students' sleep and mood, as most of the inactive group showed a greater tendency to sleep and tension disorders.


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How to Cite

Eva Marco, Correa, G. C., Matheus de Sousa, Guiraldelli, L. R., Bertin, R. L. ., Mocelin, A., & Ulbrich, A. Z. . (2022). Association of physical activity level with depressive symptoms, sleep and mood in universities. Context and Health Journal, 22(46), e12630.


