Availability of personal protective equipment in the context of Covid-19 in Minas Gerais - Brazil





Personal Protective Equipment, Health Personnel, Covid-19


Objective: to verify the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) among health professionals working in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in Minas Gerais/Brazil. Method: cross-sectional study conducted with health professionals regardless of the level of care in Minas Gerais. It includes a questionnaire prepared by the authors containing the categorization of professionals and availability of PPE. Data were collected through an online form hosted on the Kobotoolbox software. The associations between the variables were verified using the chi-square test and the prevalence ratio was evaluated. Results: 397 health professionals participated in the study, of which 193 were physiotherapists (48.6%), 121 nurses (30.5%), 60 technicians/nursing assistants (15.1%) and 23 physicians (5.8%). PPE was available "always as recommended" for gloves, 323 (81.4%); surgical masks, 321 (80.9%); N95 masks, 267 (67.3%), and protective glasses, 248 (62.5%). Physiotherapists had a higher prevalence of unavailability of gloves (PR=1.268; p<0.001), masks (PR=1.106; p=0.027) and goggles (PR=1.187; p=0.018) when compared to other professionals. Gloves were reported as more available by nurses (PR= 0.861; p = 0.002) and nursing technicians (PR= 0.831; p = 0.001) when compared to other professionals. Nursing technicians reported greater availability of glasses (PR = 0.803; p = 0.019) and N95 masks (PR = 0.833; p = 0.031) when compared to other workers. Conclusion: The unavailability of PPE, even if reported by a small portion of the participants, may increase the risk of exposure of professionals during direct patient care.


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How to Cite

Dutra, H. S., Ferreira, P. de F., da Silva, A. I., Araujo, C. R., de Paiva, E. P., & dos Santos, K. B. (2024). Availability of personal protective equipment in the context of Covid-19 in Minas Gerais - Brazil. Revista Contexto & Saúde, 24(48), e14134. https://doi.org/10.21527/2176-7114.2024.48.14134

