Perception of potential consumers about jellies containing probiotics
Probiotics, Fruit jelly, Innovation, Word Association Tests, Consumer behavior, Projective techniquesAbstract
Probiotic bacteria are traditionally carried in dairy products. However, there is a growing number of individuals who are lactose intolerant, hypercholesterolemic, and vegetarian, who require fat-restricted diets and/or who do not consume dairy products for cultural reasons. These restrictions justify the search for new non-dairy matrices as a vehicle for probiotic bacteria, as well as consumer perception studies in order to understand their dietary demands. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the perception of Brazilian consumers about jellies containing probiotics. An online questionnaire was applied to 746 respondents from all regions of the country. The word association technique was used in which each word mentioned in the open questions was counted and grouped with synonymous words. It was found that 66.1% of respondents know what probiotics are and 93.3% have already consumed a probiotic product of dairy origin. On the other hand, only 49.5% had already consumed some plant-based probiotic food and the majority, 93.8%, would like to find more plant-based probiotic options on the market. Using the word association technique, it was found that consumers associate probiotics with health, especially intestinal health, and that the addition of these microorganisms to a fruit jelly increases the association of jellies with health on the part of respondents. Therefore, the consumption of probiotics, jams and jellies containing probiotics is seen positively by consumers, with there being great interest in more plant-based probiotic options, which points to a promising market.
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