Guardianship counselors' perceptions of violence against children and adolescents




Violence, Children, Adolescent


Objective: To understand the perceptions of Guardianship Counselors regarding situations of violence against children and adolescents. Method: Exploratory-descriptive research with a qualitative approach. Eighteen Guardianship Counselors from two municipalities in the central region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, took part in the study. Data was collected in 2021 using the Focus Group technique, after clearance by the Research Ethics Committee. The data was systematized and analyzed using Thematic Content Analysis. Results: The Guardianship Counselors' perceptions of situations of violence against children and adolescents are related to feelings of sadness, vulnerability and helplessness on the part of the child. These situations occur from pregnancy to after birth, including physical, psychological and sexual violence perpetrated within the family. The identification of situations of violence comes through spontaneous complaints, via telephone contact, and is based on professional experience. Final considerations: Guardianship Counselors need spaces to discuss the feelings that arise in this practice, constant qualifications, due to the complexity surrounding this issue and the consequences it has on children's lives.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro, A. C., Pedroso, F. I., Arboit, J. ., Honnef, F., Cardoso de Paula, C., Leal, T. C., Vanuza Monteiro Bugs, C. ., & Schek, G. . (2024). Guardianship counselors’ perceptions of violence against children and adolescents. Revista Contexto &Amp; Saúde, 24(48), e14195.

