Covid-19 among older adults: profile of admissions according to gender
Coronavirus Infections, Aged, Sex Distribution, Risk Factors, MortalityAbstract
Objective: Comparing demographic and clinical aspects with the outcome of COVID-19 hospitalizations among elderly people according to gender. Methods: This is an ecological study, with analysis of the profile of older adults notified with COVID-19 in Minas Gerais. Data from the Individual Registration Form of cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Hospitalized from March 9, 2020, referring to the first notification in the database of elderly people in the State of Minas Gerais, on March 8, 2022, were used. The final sample consisted of 83,808 notifications from elderly people diagnosed with COVID-19. Descriptive analysis and chi-square test were performed in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Results: The profile found among older adults who died showed that men were 80 years old or older and women 70 to 80 years old; both were white, lived in the urban area, had risk factors, used non-invasive ventilatory support and required admission to the Intensive Care Unit. Conclusion: There is an age difference between elderly men and women in the evolution to death, while the other characteristics were similar. This fact makes it possible to reflect on the impacts on health in different groups of individuals.
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