Food consumption and its association with mental health: Results from brazilian population-based studies




Consumo Alimentar, Sintomas Depressivos, Estresse Psicológico, Covid-19, Saúde Mental


The present study aimed to evaluate the association between the consumption of fresh or minimally processed foods and ultra-processed foods (UPA) with mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic. This is a cross-sectional study, conducted with data from two population-based surveys conducted in Criciúma (SC) and Rio Grande (RS) between 2020 and 2021. Participants were individuals aged 18 years or older, living in urban areas. The independent variable was the frequency of consumption of fresh or minimally processed foods and UPF. Depressive symptoms and perceived stress were the outcomes. To assess the associations, crude analyzes were performed using Pearson's chi-square test (5% significance level) and adjusted analyzes using Poisson regression. 2.170 individuals were studied. In the crude analysis, both consumption of fresh or minimally processed foods and UPF consumption were associated with depressive symptoms and stress. After adjusted analysis, individuals belonging to the highest tertiles of consumption of fresh or minimally processed foods had 37% and 28% lower prevalence of depressive symptoms and 29% and 26% lower prevalence of stress, compared to those with lower consumption. Individuals with higher consumption of ultra-processed foods had a 35% higher prevalence of depressive symptoms when compared to those with lower consumption. This highlights the importance of intersectoral and interdisciplinary action between nutrition and mental health, especially after the Covid-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite

Meller, F. O., Manosso, L. M. ., Quadra, M. R., da Silva, T. J., Eugênio, F. D. ., Honorato, M. de L. ., & Schäfer, A. A. . (2023). Food consumption and its association with mental health: Results from brazilian population-based studies. Context and Health Journal, 23(47), e14702.


