Curriculum of emergencies: Curriculum readings in the context of school post-pandemic




COVID-19 pandemic, Curriculum., School., Teaching and learning processes.


This research assumes that the curriculum can be understood as an instrument of school mediation in the face of social intentions, considering the post-pandemic period of COVID-19. From this, we aim to analyze curricular emergencies in the return to school after a pandemic period, through new possibilities of understanding. To this end, we focus on more specific reflections regarding curriculum development, considering the new configurations of the teaching and learning processes. From the analysis of a set of digital texts produced by teachers of Basic Education, we elaborate reflections on the categories Frailties and Effectiveness, regarding the school return to face-to-face activities in the first semester of 2021. In conducting the Discursive Textual Analysis (DTA) we comprehend those weaknesses and potentialities in the (re)reading of the curriculum mobilize, in teachers and students, new relationships with the normative documents, in compliance with emergencies from the time of synchronous remote classes. Furthermore, we highlight reflections on the curriculum of emergencies as movements for the reconstruction of school knowledge since they are transformed in view of the new demands and social realities that occur in the pedagogical processes.


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How to Cite

Raika Brandt Bihringer, K., Aparecida dos Santos, S., & Leandro Chiodini, Éverton. (2023). Curriculum of emergencies: Curriculum readings in the context of school post-pandemic. Revista Contexto &Amp; Educação, 38(120), e13748.



Educação, Currículo e Trabalho