The schooling in the State Modular Penitentiary of Ijuí (RS): processes of subjectivation




prison education, schooling, subjectivation processes, prison system


Access to education is fundamental for the formation of the individual and his insertion in society. However, when parents do not have cultural and economic capital, the proper attention to their children's schooling and even when the regular school excludes them, the street ends up being the first connection with the world of crime. In this article, we will discuss the processes of subjectivations from the experience of schooling offered by NEEJA, at the Modular State Penitentiary of Ijuí (RS), to people in situations of deprivation of liberty. The research was developed with the realization of 3 subjects in the schooling process from interviews. Our movement of analysis points out that the arrested subjects are marked by a set of violence, by a process of complex and intersecting exclusions, such as exclusion from school (low schooling), from work, from social integration, from employment, from family ties, with absence of social relationships and recognition.

Keywords: prison education; schooling; subjectivation processes; narratives; prison system


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How to Cite

Belinaso, A. M., & Schwengber, . M. S. V. (2024). The schooling in the State Modular Penitentiary of Ijuí (RS): processes of subjectivation. Revista Contexto &Amp; Educação, 39(121), e14275.


