Pedagogy – Bachelor’s degree: Challenges, evasions and withdrawals in the context of the covid-19 pandemic at the State University of Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS)




Teacher training, Pedagogy, COVID-19 pandemic


This article is the resulto of data produced bu the research Project carried out at the State University of Rio Grande do Sul, whouse initial objective was to discuss the current challenger of teacher training for basic education in Brazil and the role of UERGS in this process as a State Public University. Due to the pandemic context, the project began to aim to understand the research, data from the Pedagogy Degree Course at UERGS in São Luiz Gonzaga/RS were analyzed. To achieve the purposes intended here, the research focused on collecting quantitative data, led by the academic records department planning superintendence and UERGS secretariat in São Luiz Gonzaga. During the studies and research, conversation circles and google forms were also used. As research results, several (“new”) issues emerge. Among them are: the quality of teaching resulting from tle lack of planning activities in “digital media”, the dissatisfaction of academics who cannot keep up with remote teaching; the limited (or non-existent) access of academics to the necessary technologies, mainly internet access.


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How to Cite

Bocacio, C. B., Severo, R. C. B. S., & Mousquer, A. G. (2024). Pedagogy – Bachelor’s degree: Challenges, evasions and withdrawals in the context of the covid-19 pandemic at the State University of Rio Grande do Sul (UERGS). Context and Education Journal, 39(121), e14365.



Educação, ambiente e saúde