“Be Careful, Don't Fly Too Close to the Sun”: Considerations For Working Life Project With Brazilian Youth





Projeto de vida, subjetividades, juventudes, psicologia educacional


The New High School institutes the Life Project as a mandatory part of the school curriculum, through workshops or classes where educators and young people debate about professional, social, physical and emotional issues based on reflection on decision-making and problem solving. Working Life Project demands taking into account the notions of possibilities for each individual, who is unique and permeated by the place they occupy in society, and which must be analyzed by the professor in their practice. From the referential expansion of the concepts of adolescence, youth and the production of subjectivity, the intervention research is presented through the practices of Vocational Analysis, carried out in the extension project “Building a process of choices even when 'choosing' is not a available verb”, as an ethical and political way of working the Life Project, necessarily considering the plurality of intersectional possibilities and strengths of youth, encompassing race, class, gender, sexuality, territories. It is concluded that, from the reports brought, all life is made up of multiple factors that need to be listened to by the contemporary school - and not trying to adapt different ways of being young to unreal or intangible life projects for certain classes and ways of being.

Author Biographies

Giovanna Pessanha Corrêa, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Graduanda em Psicologia na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Extensionista no projeto de extensão “Construindo um processo de escolhas mesmo quando ‘escolher’ não é um verbo disponível” desde 2019.

Rebeca de Oliveira Euclides, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Graduada em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Thiago Colmenero Cunha, Universidade Santa Úrsula

Psicólogo, pedagogo, mestre e doutor em Psicologia. Professor das graduações em Psicologia e em Direito da Universidade Santa Úrsula (USU), campus Botafogo e Colégio. Supervisor de estágio em Esquizoanálise no Serviço de Psicologia Aplicada na mesma instituição. Colaborador na Comissão de Formação e Liberdade de Cátedra do XVI Plenário do CRP-RJ.



How to Cite

Pessanha Corrêa, G., de Oliveira Euclides, R., & Colmenero Cunha, T. (2022). “Be Careful, Don’t Fly Too Close to the Sun”: Considerations For Working Life Project With Brazilian Youth. Revista Contexto &Amp; Educação, 37(118), e12703. https://doi.org/10.21527/2179-1309.2022.118.12703