Gender Equity in the Training of Physical Education Teachers




physical education; gender equity; teacher training; educational practice.


The aim of this study was to explore the possibilities of producing educational practices aligned with gender equity in the training of Physical Education teachers, especially in the team sports disciplines. A qualitative exploratory research was carried out, with the participation of 41 students from 4 team sports disciplines from a degree course in Physical Education. The research sources were produced from focus groups and interviews, both recorded on a digital device, transcribed in full and submitted to Foucault's discourse analysis using the Nvivo 12 software. The results indicate different possibilities to produce educational practices aligned with gender equity, relying on the engagement of the institution, curriculum reformulation, the didactics of the teacher trainers and the performance of the future teachers as devices to build a knowledge that is committed to gender equity in the classroom. Also, students enunciate weaknesses in training to produce actions that promote gender equality in their future professional activities, a scenario that reaffirms the need for teacher training to reframe their educational practices, methodologies and knowledge in order to question the sports canons and design a Physical Education course that considers the multiple experiences and enhances the learning of everyone.

Author Biographies

Myllena Camargo de Oliveira, Instituto Federal Farroupilha campus Frederico Westphalen

Professora temporária de Educação Física do Instituto Federal Farroupilha campus Frederico Westphalen(RS). Mestra em Educação Física pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Física da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM). É pesquisadora do Grupo de Estudos em Diversidade, Corpo e Gênero (GEDCG). Tem interesse em investigações em torno de corpo, gênero e sexualidade em diálogo com a educação, educação física e esporte.

Angelita Alice Jaeger, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria

Professora Doutora Associada do Centro de Educação Física e Desportos da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Líder do Grupo de Estudos em Diversidade, Corpo e Gênero (GEDCG) e orientadora do Mestrado em Educação Física da UFSM.  A partir dos estudos feministas do esporte, dos estudos de gênero e dos estudos culturais investiga temas relacionados aos corpos, gêneros e sexualidades no contexto das práticas corporais e esportivas.



How to Cite

Camargo de Oliveira, M., & Alice Jaeger, A. (2022). Gender Equity in the Training of Physical Education Teachers. Revista Contexto & Educação, 37(118), e12725.